When Words Fail, Hope Lives

Woman gazing at a sunset on a mountain.

I always thought my mom would be at my wedding and my college graduation, that she would be at the hospital when I had my first child. How could my life continue without her in it? Since my mom passed away just over two years ago, I have attempted many… Continue reading

Humility Will Take Us Home

Man sitting with hands clasped to cover his face

We are taught to “be ye therefore perfect” (Matthew 5:48), but is this actually attainable? With the help of Christ, it is—in time. We’ve all experienced feelings of pressure or stress. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with simple everyday tasks, school, work, or the expectations of family and friends. My to-do… Continue reading

How to “Pray Always”

A young woman folds her arms and prays at the table.

We know that we need to pray morning and night, but what does “praying always” look like? Phrases that illustrate the principle of continual prayer are peppered throughout the scriptures: “pray without ceasing” and “counsel with the Lord in all [our] doings.” But how can we realistically apply this principle… Continue reading

Rejoice in the Gathering of Israel

Young woman studying scriptures

Fear and insecurities can keep us from gathering Israel, but the Lord will guide and bless us if we put our faith in him. As young adults graduating high school and moving into the next stage of our lives, we are faced with many life-changing experiences. Among other things, we… Continue reading

Empty Hands to Full Hearts

Sunflower with sunlight behind it.

Here’s a formula for having a mighty change of heart and turning to Christ—even when we feel that we have nothing left to offer him. When we come unto Christ, returning as did the prodigal son, we often come back with broken hearts. We are desperate; we plead for Christ… Continue reading

Accepting Your Emotions as Human

Man in grey pullover jacket staring into a window.

Accepting that we have negative feelings doesn’t mean we have a bad attitude or lack faith.  As human beings, we often feel sad, frustrated, angry, or disappointed. We also hear oft-repeated advice to grin and bear it, count our blessings, or have more faith in response to our negative emotions.… Continue reading

Making Peace Our Strength

Pink, purple, and orange clouds at sunset.

The peace we receive from accepting our weaknesses gives us the power to conquer our trials—not just endure them. When the sons of Mosiah began their missions to spread Christ’s teachings, they prayed to have the Spirit to guide them (Alma 17:9). They knew many people would mock them, hate… Continue reading

Reflecting on the Pandemic

The past few years have been hard and unpredictable—but what can we learn from them? As mask mandates begin to lift and life begins to return to something approaching normal, I can understand the desire to stop thinking about the pandemic. Life seems to have been paused for two years.… Continue reading

Simple Truths in President Monson’s Short Talks

Rose against a white background

I learned a lot from reading the simple truths in the testimony of the Prophet of God.  “Why is the world so complicated?” I asked my husband one day after getting home from school. This question was the result of hours of school discussions, research projects, and social media scrolling… Continue reading

“Peace I Leave With You”

Hand extended holding a dove with a teal background

The tools we need to “grow an economy of genuine goodness in society” are found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  In the current climate of growing social unrest and war, peace is needed more than ever. As Elder Jeffrey R. Holland reminds us in his April 2021 general conference… Continue reading