How Death Strengthens My Testimony

Creepy graveyard

With faith in Jesus Christ and in his resurrecting power, we know that death is not the end. I’m familiar with death. My parents were older than many parents when I was born, so my grandparents were older than many of my friends’ grandparents. Now that I am twenty-three, many… Continue reading

Our Sacred Temple Garments

Woman in front of the temple

Temple garments worn by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provide blessings when worn properly.  People who are not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints often raise questions about the temple garment. In “The Temple Garment: ‘An Outward Expression of an Inward… Continue reading

Women Stand for Religious Freedom Worldwide

African woman with sleeping baby on back

Women all over the world are standing for what they know is right, even amid religious persecution. For those of us who live in nations with religious freedom, it’s easy to take that right for granted. In many countries all over the world, though, people are struggling to obtain the same religious… Continue reading

Our Words May Minister Grace

One young woman whispers to another.

Our language can either lift others or tear them down. As Christ’s disciples, we can use good language and humor to uplift others and bring light to their lives. Everybody loves people who have good humor and wit. On the other hand, it is harder to communicate with people who… Continue reading

What Armor Do I Put on Today?

armor lying on wall

With the enemy of righteousness surrounding us on every side, we need to ensure that we put on the armor of God every day. Suppose you woke up one morning and knew that you had to fight in a medieval battle later that day. So, you shower, get dressed, brush your teeth,… Continue reading

The Six B’s and Why They Matter

Bee on a purple flower

In a world filled with challenges and troubles, President Hinckley offers six simple principles to help us make correct decisions and be successful. I love inspirational quotes. I love reading them, collecting them, and plastering them all over my bedroom wall. However, some of these quotes can be long and forgettable.… Continue reading

My Struggle with Scripture Study

person at desk with scriptures and pen in hand

Prioritizing scripture study is a choice that can heal us. I had been home from my mission for three months, and I was already having trouble reading scriptures. I had read scriptures for an hour every day on my mission and had promised myself upon returning home that I would… Continue reading

Not Just a Mom

mother and child nose to nose

Although the world often demeans motherhood, the influence of women in the home is powerful and irreplaceable. It is often difficult for women to know, understand, or feel that they are doing enough. It seems that there is pressure from every direction to be more of something: more beautiful, more… Continue reading

Modesty: Choose It or Lose It

girl with red flowers on head

It takes courage to choose modesty. Do you have what it takes? We’ve often heard the words “you can’t judge a book by its cover.” If this is true, why do we put so much emphasis on dressing modestly? Why does it matter? Sister Carol F. McConkie explains the importance… Continue reading

Marking the Way Back Home

person walking on a log in the forest.

Our spiritual experiences can become the monuments we raise to mark God’s hand in our lives. If you’ve ever been on a hike, you’ve probably seen stones stacked on top of each other. These manmade trail markers, called cairns, have been used to point out a hiker’s course along the trail, ensuring that hikers know which way… Continue reading