Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?

Trials—those seemingly bad things that happen to us—give us opportunities to learn patience, humility, and faith; ultimately, they teach us how to become more like God.   God is all-powerful and all knowing, right? Yes. And God can stop any bad thing from happening, right? Yes. So that means God… Continue reading

Education: Is It Worth It?

Education is more than just learning facts. It is learning a new way to live by increasing our understanding and enabling the powers of heaven to act in our lives. Have you ever wondered if going to college is worth the money, the time, and the effort? According to Forbes,… Continue reading

Prayer: Can You Hear Him Now?

When we feel like we hear nothing from God, the best thing to do is keep the faith and keep watching for personalized answers. Each Sunday, we listen to other people’s testimonies: “I prayed, and I immediately received an answer from God.” “I prayed, and I felt his guidance; I… Continue reading

Understanding the Gift of Pain

Recognizing the purposes for pain can help us see it for what it really is—a gift from our loving Heavenly Father. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to never feel pain? As appealing as this sounds, Brother Derrel Higgins, a professor at BYU-Idaho, explains why pain… Continue reading

These Are the Restoration

Seeking for understanding can help us to be involved in the modern Restoration of the Church. On the third date with my future wife, I asked her if she would ever marry someone who was not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She said that… Continue reading

4 Steps to Finding Your Role in God’s Work

Chess pieces

Every person has a role in God’s work. As you discover yours, you can find happiness and purpose. The “decade of decisions” we face as young adults will affect the rest of our lives. What should we study? Where should we work? Who should we marry? These big questions are… Continue reading

In a World Looking Down, We Can Look Up

When the rain comes pouring down, don’t look down and don’t look around—look up and soak it all in. As young adults in today’s world, it can be hard for us to be confident enough to speak up and share our beliefs. We’re constantly bombarded by those who don’t believe… Continue reading

Called to the Cavalry

You don’t need a name tag, satchel, and pair of walking shoes to effectively share the gospel. When my dad was in high school, he was less active in the Church. At the end of his senior year, a friend encouraged him to pray and ask if God exists. “If… Continue reading

Swimming with the Prophet

I learned from a dream that the prophet can’t take away our trials but that he can help us thrive during them. I was caught in a raging river in the dead of night, the only light the pale disc of the moon. Despite being an excellent swimmer, I thrashed… Continue reading

I Don’t Wanna Grow Up

The Peter Pan mentality might not be a bad one. In fact, having the believing heart of a child can increase our spiritual growth. January 14, 2002 “Tonight I had a verry bad dream and I started to cry then I said a paryr and then I stoped crying.” February… Continue reading