Stormy Days and Mountain Waves: Finding Strength

Ocean waves at sunset.

We were created to withstand and overcome even our most challenging trials. Have you ever asked the question, “How could God let this happen?”  I have. I was 17 and struggling with severe depression, and I couldn’t understand why God didn’t just take it away and help me feel normal… Continue reading

Rediscovering My Connection with God

Train tunnel.

When our connection with God feels weak, we can find strength by remembering he is our Father and the Savior is our Redeemer. Oftentimes we’ll go above and beyond to regain a missing internet connection on our cell phone: we’ll try everything that normally does work, and it just won’t… Continue reading

Steady in Faith

Stormy sea rushing up to a coastline.

Now is the time to build a firm foundation of faith. When strong storms occur, we can stand steady on our rock of faith in Jesus Christ. Because God intends for us to grow and progress in our earthly journey, we will inevitably face trials throughout our lives. Furthermore, we… Continue reading

How to Overcome the World’s Distractions

An Island inside a lake.

The world will always try to distract us from our spiritual pursuits, but we can learn to overcome worldly temptations while building a life centered on what our Heavenly Father wants for us. Have you ever wondered how you can have a life filled with deep, abiding joy? We can… Continue reading

The Secret to a Successful Life

Side view of the Kirtland Temple in summertime.

Sometimes we have to give up our good plans for God’s better ones. I remember standing in a little room above the Newel K. Whitney Store in Ohio, looking out the window at the beautiful temple up the hill. My missionary companion and I were sharing a story with a… Continue reading

We Are More Than Survivors

White flowers on a green stem.

When bad things happen to us, such as abuse, bullying, or trauma, we must remember what Christ said: “I know your sorrows, and I have come to deliver you” (Exodus 3:8–9). Survival stories come in many different forms. Some may think of natural disasters, wilderness survival, or plane crashes, while… Continue reading

Rolling with the Punches

Lighthouse at sunset.

Learn not only to adapt to unexpected situations in life but also to find joy in them too. We’ve all had those days—something breaks, the dog makes a mess inside, we’re late for work, the traffic is endless. Everything that can go wrong, does. Sometimes these days stretch into months,… Continue reading

Choosing Faith in the Face of Uncertainty

Scrabble pieces spelling “faith over fear”

When faced with moments of spiritual silence, how do we maintain our faith and hope? Uncertainty is a universal constant that stems from unknown future variables, such as schooling, careers, spouses, finances, health, or other life plans. As Erin Kramer Holmes says in her BYU devotional, “Waiting Upon the Lord:… Continue reading

Finding Faith in the Light of Christ

Jesus standing under a ray of light

When the light of your testimony starts to fade, seek the light of Christ to help you pierce through the darkness of your trials and reignite your faith. We all face fears, insecurities, and doubts that can make our lives seem suffocatingly dark. These challenges can make it difficult to… Continue reading

When Words Fail, Hope Lives

Woman gazing at a sunset on a mountain.

I always thought my mom would be at my wedding and my college graduation, that she would be at the hospital when I had my first child. How could my life continue without her in it? Since my mom passed away just over two years ago, I have attempted many… Continue reading