Stewardship: It’s Time to Step It Up

We often talk about stewardship in our callings. What about stewardship in our other divine responsibilities? I absolutely love the ocean. The sound of the waves, the sun on my shoulders, and snorkeling…wow. Every time I go, I swear nobody can get me out of the water. The ocean, and… Continue reading

My Second Life … As a Latter-day Saint

The Salt Lake City Temple

The first time I heard the story of Joseph Smith and the First Vision was at Temple Square in Salt Lake City during a guided tour. I believed it. But my family didn’t. My father said it was the most bogus story he had ever heard. I was crushed and… Continue reading

Choosing the Right through Christ

Man sitting outside with view of mountains

Decision-making can be a simple process when we put Christ first. In the October 2022 General Conference, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf announced an updated version of the Church’s “For the Strength of Youth” pamphlet. This pamphlet has served as a guideline for the youth of the Church since 1965, with… Continue reading

Understanding the Symbol of the Cross

A cross on top of a large building

Latter-day Saints do not normally wear physical crosses, but instead take up a symbolic cross in order to come unto Christ. Why do Latter-day Saints not wear crosses? I recently talked about this question with a fellow member of the Church. She told me that she did wear a cross… Continue reading

We Seek After These Things

Group of children

There are many different cultures and perspectives within the Church, and sometimes those appear to divide us; however, we are all sons and daughters of a loving Father. While I did not personally serve a mission, I have heard countless stories from missionaries who had to adapt to different cultures… Continue reading

Mindfully Maintaining Our Discipleship

People around campfire outside of cabin

Our testimonies can be blessed by experiences that are solely focused on the Lord. What we do afterwards, though, is what defines us as true disciples. Experiences where we can dedicate our entire focus to the Lord are unique and powerful. President Steven J. Lund teaches how we can build… Continue reading

Spiritual Wonder in a Stressful World

Misty sunrise looking down on a green mountainside

Too much homework? Upcoming job interview stressing you out? Find peace in what nature has to offer. When I was 12, my family held a reunion at Itasca State Park, Minnesota. Cousins, aunts, and uncles came from all over the country to spend time together in the majestic forest. For… Continue reading

Six Simple Steps to Develop Divine Confidence

Stained glass window

Developing confidence can be difficult. Start today with these small and simple steps. Sometimes I struggle with knowing where I stand. I tend to become anxious when I think too much about what my purpose is in my friend group, among my roommates, or with my coworkers. Even though I… Continue reading

How Church Structure Brings Us Closer to Christ

Three Women Laughing

Without loving leaders and members at church, there would be few places for us to be buoyed up and “nourished by the good word of God”.  Sister Reyna I. Aburto was nine years old when a devastating earthquake rocked her home country of Nicaragua. Her brother died in the earthquake,… Continue reading