Healing from Addiction

Hand reaching to the sun through the trees

When pornography addiction makes us feel broken, we can find healing through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. When a plague of fiery serpents befell the ancient Israelites, the Lord gave Moses a solution: make a serpent of brass, fix it to a pole, then invite those who have been bitten… Continue reading

Are We Prioritizing What Matters Most?

Someone looking up

There is a world of distractions vying for our attention, but what truly matters most? In his general conference address titled “Now Is the Time,” Elder Jack N. Gerard tells the story of when he boarded a plane to travel on a business trip. Despite experiencing troubling chest pain, he… Continue reading

4 Ways To Spot and Help Those in Abusive Relationships

Black and white image of woman lying on the ground in the shadows

We all have different opinions about our friends’ significant others. Understanding the warning signs can help us identify if a loved one is in an abusive relationship and know how we can best support them. I met Annie (name changed) in tenth grade, our first year of high school. We… Continue reading

Rain-Filled Boots: What Is the Meaning of Life?

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“It was as if the spirit said to me, ‘Did you expect this earthly journey not to have struggles?’” —Richard J. Anderson When my trainer completed her mission and went home, suddenly the fire and drive I had as a new missionary vanished, and I was acutely aware of how… Continue reading

Education: More Than Preparation for Motherhood

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As women in the Church, we often hear that an education will prepare us for motherhood. But perhaps the Lord wants us to prepare for that and more. Many women in the Church have contemplated this question: “If I want to be a stay-at-home mom, why should I gain an… Continue reading

The Struggle to Grow Intellectually

Struggling is a part of life, especially in education. It is through our struggles, however, that we truly learn to grow. Making my way through community college and university hasn’t been all easy. Most classes I passed without too much struggle, but I can recall some classes that stressed me… Continue reading

You Are Everything to God

In a world with billions of people, it’s easy to feel insignificant. But you matter. Remember the last time you took a moment to stand still and look up at the stars? Doing so reminds me of how incredible our Heavenly Father’s creations are. It also reminds me of how… Continue reading

No Trial Is Wasted

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Just as our Savior came to know us through his suffering, we come to know and love our Savior through our trials. A few years ago during a scripture study, I realized that as the Jaredites traveled across the sea, they encountered “furious wind” that created “mountain waves.”  This must… Continue reading

How to Build a Boat to Handle Life’s Storms

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The storms of life can be plentiful and scary, but when we build a strong boat, even the biggest storms become easier to handle. One summer day at a beach in the Puget Sound, two of my brothers and I decided to build a makeshift boat. We borrowed some rope… Continue reading