Four Ways to Be an Everyday Missionary

boys with book by tree

By committing to be missionaries for the rest of our lives, we can help others experience the joy and peace of the gospel. Many members of the Church have served missions across the world and know firsthand the blessings of sharing the gospel. But whether you served a full-time mission… Continue reading

Peace, Love, and Religious Freedom

person in orange robe with fingers entwined

There is more peace in the world when all individuals have the freedom to practice their religion. In today’s world, religion is often portrayed as a scary thing. We watch or read news reports about attacks by radical religious groups. In our history classes, we learn about religious sects fighting one another. On social… Continue reading

When Worry Wins

We all experience anxiety. But when anxiety dictates your actions, you need to find help.   According to mental health specialist Lyle J. Burrup, “anxiety is a normal human emotion” that can grow to become a debilitating disorder that “impedes normal functioning.” In his Ensign article “Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders,” Burrup… Continue reading

Sunday Blues and Sabbath Delights

I dreaded Sundays. I wanted to enjoy them, but I didn’t until I learned to focus on my relationship with God. In his talk “The Sabbath Is a Delight,” President Russell M. Nelson uses the word delight sixteen times. To me, delight meant eating ice cream or watching a romantic comedy; it did not… Continue reading

Family: 3 Things the Devil Doesn’t Want You to Know

father and young son sit on a hammock

In order to rise above this world’s moral confusion, we must strengthen family relationships with faith in Jesus Christ.  It’s possible that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have never been more “peculiar” (1 Peter 2:9) than we are today. In a world ever shifting toward selfishness… Continue reading

Refugees: How Can Our Past Help Their Future?

Understanding the Mormon refugee experience has prepared us for a great work: helping millions in the same plight today. Latter-day Saints have a special connection with people currently fleeing from religious persecution: we were once refugees too. In his speech “The Mormon Refugee Experience,” given at Windsor Castle on September… Continue reading

Shot Down but Soaring

If you are someone who participates in gospel lessons, even to the point of making your imperfections apparent, thank you. You’re fully engaged in the lesson and desirous to contribute. You raise your hand and bravely offer a comment. It soars into the discussion with all the beauty, strength, and… Continue reading

A New Schedule for LDS Missionaries

On January 25, 2017, Church leaders made some big changes to missionary life, including a more flexible schedule and revised key indicators. The Mormon Newsroom article “More Flexibility Announced for Mormon Missionary Daily Schedules” discusses changes announced by Church leaders during a worldwide missionary broadcast on January 25, 2017. One… Continue reading

Coming to Terms with Polygamy

How can we come to terms with issues like polygamy in the early Church when we do not understand all of God’s reasons for them?   When an angel asked Nephi about a vision he received, Nephi responded, “I know that [God] loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know… Continue reading

Priesthood Authority to Perform Priesthood Functions

Latter-day Saint men and women are equal in the sight of God. Both have access to priesthood authority to perform priesthood functions. A string orchestra is made up of five sections: first violins, second violins, violas, cellos, and string basses. Sometimes it seems like one section is more important than… Continue reading