Finding Joy in the Process

Fact: life can be tough. However, as we look toward Christ, we can find the joy we need to endure even the most difficult trials. We never think that we will be the ones who will have to suffer through a particular challenge or trial—until it is staring us in… Continue reading

5 Ways to Guard Against Lust

Young couple laughing

Combating lust will help us develop true love and grow closer to the Spirit. Lust isn’t something we generally like to think or talk about. It’s dark and alluring at the same time. However, talking about lust can lead to understanding it, which can lead to a greater ability to… Continue reading

Creativity: A Link to Father in Heaven

man crouching on a rock overlooking a the tops of clouds and a sunrise.

Not everyone is a master in the arts, but everyone is born with a spirit bursting with creativity. Unlocking this gift can help us establish a closer connection to our Heavenly Father. Some people don’t think they are very creative because they can’t play a musical instrument or have never… Continue reading

The Atonement: The End to Addiction

Jesus praying for our sins

Are you struggling with recurring sins? Don’t give up—give your all to Christ. Through the Atonement, he can help you overcome addiction. Have you ever heard the phrase misery loves company? Satan wants to see us indulge in sin and addiction so that we will feel miserable, frustrated, and hopeless… Continue reading

Prisoner of War Finds Hope in the Gospel

barn through a fence

During the turmoil of World War II, prisoner Hermann Mössner found strength through the scriptures and church meetings. When German soldier Hermann Mössner was captured as a prisoner of war in World War II, he did not let the chaos of war bring him down. An article titled “Out of… Continue reading