Am I an Adult Now?

Growing up is a process, not an event. Continue reading
Growing up is a process, not an event. Continue reading
How can we use repentance and the Atonement daily, even when we don’t think we’ve sinned? When we think of repentance, we often think of making mistakes, taking the sacrament, righting our wrongs, and becoming clean again. But it’s much more than that. Repentance shouldn’t just be used when we… Continue reading
Attending President Monson’s funeral and the announcement of the new First Presidency changed the way I saw President Nelson. I remember as a young girl when President Gordon B. Hinckley passed away and President Thomas S. Monson became the prophet. I wondered how anyone could ever replace my beloved prophet.… Continue reading
How is a new prophet called, and what does it mean to sustain him? When President Thomas S. Monson passed away January 2, 2018, millions mourned the loss of this compassionate prophet of God. For many of us, he was in the First Presidency for as long as we’ve been… Continue reading
You can’t make time stretch, but here are five tips for spending your time well. Continue reading
Mortal physicians may be limited, but the healing offered by the Great Physician knows no bounds. We know that pain is a part of the mortal experience and that in every trial there are lessons we can learn and blessings that we can obtain. But what about the times when… Continue reading
The five petals of the forget-me-not flower symbolize five things to remember that will help us find joy as we live the gospel and face the trials of life and the challenges that come. Instead of getting caught up in life’s challenges, we can choose to find joy in them… Continue reading
Find a way to recognize and remember God’s kindness through journaling. The counsel to write in a journal daily tends to invoke groans and grimaces. The excuses for not writing range from the practical (I don’t have time; I have bad handwriting; I can’t type) to the emotional (I don’t want others… Continue reading
Build up your spiritual preserves by following four emergency preparedness principles. Self-reliance is sometimes defined as having adequate food storage, water, and other necessities in case of emergencies. It can also mean being financially independent and responsible. But self-reliance extends beyond temporal matters; being spiritually self-reliant involves nourishing our faith… Continue reading
Because of the strength and resilience of Filipino members, the Philippines now has more than 100 church stakes. The growth of the Church in the Philippines has been a miracle. Since the first missionaries arrived in 1961, more than 100 Church stakes have been organized in the Philippines. It’s the the… Continue reading