The Blessings of Conflict

young boy holds his fist up in a fighting stance

None of us are immune to conflict. When approached the right way, conflicts can present the opportunity for us to better ourselves and magnify our faith. Conflict is abundant in today’s world, and it’s all too easy to walk away from an argument sure that we’re right and that the… Continue reading

When It Doesn’t Get Easier

When the unrelenting trials in my life were threatening to tear me down, I was reminded by a general conference talk that “hard is good.” By the time the weekend of the October 2017 general conference arrived, I was completely overwhelmed. I felt like I had thirty-five hours of work… Continue reading

Faith to Become

girl looking into distance

As we walk in the twilight of uncertainty, how can we have the faith to become the person God would have us be? Life is full of choices. As young adults, we face a number of uncertainties, such as what we should major in, whether we should take a certain job,… Continue reading

Six Hows of Scripture Study

People at church always say that we need to study our scriptures. But how can we actually have meaningful experiences with scripture study? For a long time, I struggled with studying the scriptures. I was always jealous of how other people had meaningful experiences with the scriptures, and I felt guilty… Continue reading

The Story of the Dutch Potato Project


Loving your enemies is more than a catchphrase. In the video That We Might Be One: The Story of the Dutch Potato Project, we see the great sacrifice Church members in Holland made for members of the Church in Germany following World War II. After the war, food was scarce. The Dutch people… Continue reading

Does the Church Tear Families Apart?

With the Church’s emphasis on eternal families, how do we reconcile the fact that some people are forced to choose between church participation and their parents, siblings, or spouse? It’s an uncomfortable truth: sometimes it seems like our faith can drive a wedge between us and the people we care… Continue reading

The Parable: Simply Complex

woman looking through binoculars

While parables can simplify confusing doctrine, the parables themselves have complex layers that require the reader’s full attention in order to grasp the full doctrine. Jesus’s parables are practically magic; through them, we can see ourselves in almost every character, apply them to current situations, and understand complex doctrine. The Savior’s parables are an almost… Continue reading

Finding Redemption through Prayer

Just when life felt unbearable, a man found courage through prayer to keep living and to start changing. At one point or another, each of us has made mistakes that result in the absence of the Spirit, leading to a feeling of darkness. If we don’t address these mistakes quickly… Continue reading

Receiving Small, Subtle Revelations Doesn’t Mean You Have a Small Testimony

Have you ever doubted the strength of your testimony? If so, it’s time to analyze that doubt. Your testimony is stronger than you think, and your perspective on revelation might change the way you look at it. Have you ever wished your testimony was stronger? Does it seem to be… Continue reading