But How Can I Know He’s a Prophet?

In an era oversaturated with access to information and opinions, is it possible to know for certain whether a prophet is called of God? The first time I questioned my testimony about Joseph Smith was during a bike ride with a district leader on my mission. I still vividly remember… Continue reading

The Book of Mormon Reaches 200 Million Copies

The hastening of the work continues as the Book of Mormon reaches a historic publishing milestone. The Restoration started with a book—a book published in Upstate New York in 1830 with a print run of five thousand copies. Realistically, a book that obscure should be long forgotten, possibly not even… Continue reading

Discovering Light in the Dark: The Power of the Book of Mormon

Light comes from the Book of Mormon.

We can know through the example of the brother of Jared that the Book of Mormon is a radiant source of light, guiding us through life’s darkness and illuminating the path ahead.  What does absolute physical darkness actually look like? It’s hard to imagine that kind of darkness when modern… Continue reading

Perfection Is Not a Prerequisite

puzzle pieces

Focusing on God’s promises can help you access the power of Jesus Christ—even when perfectionism tells you you’re not enough. My friend was doing everything she thought she should be—attending church regularly, praying and studying the scriptures daily, and striving to keep her covenants—but she still felt like she was… Continue reading

Service Starts with Self-Love

Girl skipping through a field

When the daily to-dos of life overwhelm us, contributing good to the world can be as simple as practicing self-love. Attend a team meeting, schedule an appointment, complete a ten-page essay, call mom, make dinner, stop by a friend’s movie night, clean the apartment—for many of us, the list of… Continue reading

Not So Bad

When life doesn’t make it easy to sing “all is well,” try “not so bad.” Science and religion agree about the benefits of gratitude. Research and scripture alike show that grateful people are happy people. But what about when I fail a test, have a bad day at work, or… Continue reading

Finding Strength in Healing

Broken heart hanging on wire

It’s easy to assume that our broken situation is our only situation and that asking for help is a sign of weakness. What if we restructured these assumptions to see asking for help as a source of strength and healing? Seeking help can feel difficult in a world full of… Continue reading

Finding Hope for Future Blessings

light at the end of the tunnel

Our Heavenly Parents are forever aware of our trials, and we are never left to face them alone. We receive unwavering help in getting through the darkest moments of our lives when we have hope and faith in them. When Yih Chwin Koay’s daughter, Alexis, was born prematurely at 26… Continue reading

Doers of the Word: Coming to Know God

Coming to know God is an important part of our conversion and path to eternal life, but how can we know someone we haven’t even met? The Bible famously declares that eternal life is knowing God (John 17:3). However, most of us won’t have life-altering experiences like Peter, Mary, Moses,… Continue reading

How Do I Keep My Testimony?

Hand grabbing fruit

Though it may seem counterintuitive, the best way to keep a testimony is to share it.  I remember the first time I shared my testimony. I was at recess in first grade, and something about the trees reminded me of what I had learned about the First Vision. When I… Continue reading