Marriage: Should I Be Worrying About It Right Now?

Man hugging woman

I know I should get married eventually, but should I be worrying about it as a young single adult? In this world of selfies, self-love, and selfishness, young adults are postponing marriage in favor of other activities and personal development. In fact, many young adults are not marrying until they… Continue reading

Even Our Sins

Sunburst through a cloudy sky

The gifts of Christ’s Atonement extend to cover all of life’s sorrows. It’s easy to talk about the ways that Christ’s Atonement can help us through trials beyond our control. After all, at some point everyone will face challenges that they didn’t ask for. But sometimes, the source of our… Continue reading

Finding Calm in the Storm of Consumerism

In the midst of a world that grows only more consumer-focused, peace of mind can be found by looking through an eternal perspective. There’s a parking lot near my apartment complex that is currently installing electric vehicle charging stations. The other day, I noticed that all the charging stations are… Continue reading

Taking Control of Our Thoughts

We can be empowered to take control over our own thoughts and increase our spiritual connection to God. Some days it feels like everywhere I turn I’m being overwhelmed by information. Sometimes my mind can’t take it, and I feel like I’ve lost control of my own thoughts. But I’ve… Continue reading

Anthropological Linguistics and the Gospel

What do anthropological linguistics and Amazonian Ecuador have to do with Christ’s restored gospel? Although we may claim, in the words of the beloved hymn, to “stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers” us, it is often too easy to take the spiritual and theological riches of the restored… Continue reading

Learning to Love the Commandments

The commandments may seem restrictive, but if we can recognize them as a gift from a loving Heavenly Father, we can see them in a new light.  We live in the world of the individual. We take pride in our personal freedoms, explore our unique interests, and direct our own… Continue reading

The Answer to Every Question: The Way, the Truth, and the Life

Light streaming through sur smoke

No matter how difficult our questions may be, Jesus Christ can help us answer them through our faith. One of the greatest blessings we have in the latter days is access to the ideas of millions of other internet users. It has never been easier to learn from so many… Continue reading

The Lord’s Joyous Message

Passing a Book of Mormon

The divine message of the gospel is the good news we’ve all been waiting for. Share it with everyone around you—boldly, genuinely, and persistently. In his April 1972 general conference talk, “A Missionary and His Message,” Elder Hugh B. Brown recounted an experience he had while serving as a young… Continue reading

Family History: How Do We Even Start?

Young adult woman holding temple cards

We know we need to do family history, but the mere thought can be overwhelming. What should we do? Why should we care about people who exist as little more than names on a piece of paper? Recently, President Russell M. Nelson has emphasized the importance of gathering Israel and… Continue reading

Is He Really My Savior?

Time lapse photography of person standing near train

I’ve grown up believing that Christ is my Redeemer, but sometimes it’s hard to believe that he can actually save me. In psychology, a flashbulb memory refers to a vivid memory of a past moment, usually a shocking or emotionally charged event. I have a flashbulb memory from when I… Continue reading