Feeling Trapped? Sacrifice the Things that Bind Us

How often do we find ourselves feeling trapped—physically, mentally, and spiritually? Making sacrifices in our lives provides us a way to break free and draw closer to the Lord. Agency is a powerful tool we can use to break free from circumstances that hold us captive; our choices make all… Continue reading

God Loves You

Silhouette of Man standing on rock during sunset

In our modern, ever-changing world, there are many things that can cause us to doubt our self-worth. When this happens, remember that your Heavenly Parents love you. There’s so much going on in this modern world, and it’s so filled with challenges and trials that we can easily find ourselves… Continue reading

5 Daily Reminders

A woman sitting on a hill looking toward the bright sun.

We have all felt at times like we are inadequate and should just give up, but the Savior knows each of us and knows that we are worth enough to die for. We all have so many things that we have to juggle on a daily basis that we sometimes… Continue reading

Why Religion is More Than Just Church Attendance

Church Chapel Religion image.

Research suggests that we can live more satisfied lives if we practice religion at home as well as through church attendance. Oftentimes attending church leaves us feeling enlightened and excited to put the principles we learned into action. But for me, bringing the gospel into my every day—not just Sunday—can… Continue reading

Lessons from the Life of Mack Wilberg

While Mack Wilberg is a world-renowned conductor and composer, he also remains a humble and committed disciple of Christ. Learn from Elder Gerrit Gong how Dr. Wilberg maintains this balance. Dr. Mack Wilberg has been the music director of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square since March 2008; between 1999… Continue reading

Protecting God’s Creations

River in the rainforest

As we appreciate the incredible beauty of God’s creations, we remember that we can play a part in preserving them for future generations. In his BYU forum, “Exploring Nature’s Curiosity Cabinet,” Dr. Paul Alan Cox reflects on the wonders of nature’s curiosity cabinet, which he describes as “compact versions of… Continue reading

Growing Toward the Light

Plants grow and thrive in sunlight. We grow and thrive in the light of Christ. I love to be surrounded by green, growing, living things; I often find comfort in the thriving plant life in the outdoors. Unfortunately, I don’t have much of a green thumb, and I haven’t had… Continue reading

Marriage: Should I Be Worrying About It Right Now?

Man hugging woman

I know I should get married eventually, but should I be worrying about it as a young single adult? In this world of selfies, self-love, and selfishness, young adults are postponing marriage in favor of other activities and personal development. In fact, many young adults are not marrying until they… Continue reading