Do I Have To?

We often selfishly ask ourselves if the commandments to love and serve others really apply to us. The Savior lovingly reminds us that they do. Two very different people each asked an unassuming and easily justifiable question. One asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Another asked, “And who is my… Continue reading

Love Intended to Lift

God’s love is infinite, ever-present, and eternal. But in order for it to bless us, we need to meet certain conditions.  As children of Heavenly Father, we receive Heavenly Father’s love eternally and constantly. But do we receive it unconditionally? In his conference address “Abide in My Love,” Elder D.… Continue reading

5 Ways to Guard Against Lust

Young couple laughing

Combating lust will help us develop true love and grow closer to the Spirit. Lust isn’t something we generally like to think or talk about. It’s dark and alluring at the same time. However, talking about lust can lead to understanding it, which can lead to a greater ability to… Continue reading

Joseph Smith’s Patriarchal Blessing

The patriarchal blessing that Joseph Smith received from his father helps us understand that no matter who you are or what you’re called to do, your most important title will always be “child of God.” Joseph Smith Jr. was a prophet, seer, and revelator; a religious and political leader; and… Continue reading

When Answers to Prayers Don’t Come

Sometimes we get discouraged when we feel that we aren’t receiving answers to our prayers. Learn how to better understand and recognize answers from our Heavenly Father. Imagine that you have a big decision to make. You aren’t sure what the best option is, so you pray fervently to Heavenly… Continue reading

Orson Hyde: Extending an Olive Branch in Israel

Read the legacy of a disfellowshipped apostle who later became one of the greatest global missionaries in the history of the Church. The experience of Orson Hyde (1805–78) with the LDS Church began when he openly preached against what many disapproving nineteenth-century Protestants called “the Golden Bible.” According to an… Continue reading

Persecution, Faith, and a Gold Bead

gold beads in a hand

Sometimes the smallest objects can symbolize the greatest faith.   In the Church’s early days, Joseph Smith and his family faced nearly constant persecution. An article by Heidi Bennett on the Church history website shares one story that demonstrates their courage despite enormous pressures to deny the gospel.   One… Continue reading

Sharing the Christian Message—Hand in Hand

Latter-day Saints share many of the same beliefs as other religions, including our stance on the family. We can work together as religious people to share elements of the gospel with the world.   As the fight for the family becomes more heated in modern society, people of different religions… Continue reading

The Law of His Nature Is Love

Hand holding two black and white photos of ancestors.

Love is bound into the eternities through saving ordinances. Love is patient, love is kind, love is binding. Christ teaches us to love one another under all circumstances, regardless of one’s religion, ethnicity, political views, sexual orientation, or other potentially dividing differences. This belief is surely a tenet of many religions;… Continue reading

Changing Times, Constant Truths

swirly sky

We live in an ever-changing world, but gospel truths remain constant and help build our faith in God.  The world is filled with doubts and misconceptions, especially when it comes to religion. In his 1980 Brigham Young University devotional address, “The Seven Deadly Heresies,” Elder Bruce R. McConkie reminds us of the importance of seeking a correct understanding of gospel… Continue reading