Bringing Peace to Those Around Us

The gospel of Jesus Christ can bring peace into both our personal lives and the larger world. Conflict and contention exist at every level of our fallen existence: international conflict, civil unrest, prejudice, discrimination, and broken homes are all around us. As disciples of Christ, we should seek resolutions to… Continue reading

The Weekly Call: How Do I Support My Missionary?

With more opportunities to communicate with missionaries serving from our families, what can we do to better support and encourage them? In an exciting recent announcement, the First Presidency stated, “Effective immediately, missionaries may communicate with their families on their weekly preparation day via text messages, online messaging, phone calls… Continue reading

A Framework to Forget Fear

Believe in the promises of Jesus Christ and forget the fear in your life.  Fear can limit us in many ways, but it is most crippling when it limits our perspective as children of God. When we forget our divine potential as sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father,… Continue reading

The Power Behind the Change

Changes don’t come only by consensus among leaders of the Church, but also, more importantly, by divine revelation from the Lord. Change isn’t easy, but it’s an inescapable part of life. Lately, there have been several major changes in the Church, like replacing home and visiting teaching with ministering, and… Continue reading

When Friends Leave the Church

When your friends leave the Church, you don’t have to leave them. Read these five tips for maintaining great relationships with friends who are no longer Latter-day Saints. Several of my friends have recently left the Church. Even though I love and care about them, I have really struggled to… Continue reading

Faith Divided, Love United: Looking within to Bring Your Family Together

Instead of trying to change your family members, try changing yourself. During my junior year of high school, most of my close family members decided they didn’t want to be a part of the Church anymore. When I noticed their feelings changing, it was like a punch in the gut.… Continue reading

I Shall Come Forth as Gold

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, we can rise from our trials to become stronger and more capable. The fire was roaring, engulfing not only the plane and its passengers but also the life that Stephanie Nielson once knew. Whether or not our trials arrive in the form of… Continue reading

Smoothing Our Transitions, Maximizing Growth

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When facing major transitions, maximize your growth by following four simple steps. Few things can be as exciting and intimidating as big transitions. In the 1996 BYU devotional address “Transitions,” Janette Hales Beckham, then serving as Young Women general president, shares four tips to smooth transitions when we’re experiencing the major changes that come with moves, missions,… Continue reading

Sunday Blues and Sabbath Delights

I dreaded Sundays. I wanted to enjoy them, but I didn’t until I learned to focus on my relationship with God. In his talk “The Sabbath Is a Delight,” President Russell M. Nelson uses the word delight sixteen times. To me, delight meant eating ice cream or watching a romantic comedy; it did not… Continue reading

Pornography Is Not Love

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Chop down the tree of pornography by cutting off the roots of lust. Through Christ’s healing and forgiveness, you can overcome pornography addiction. Pornography addiction is a real issue that affects us all in some way: it can destroy self-worth, relationships, and—most importantly—true love. In his address “Place No More… Continue reading