Life and Improv: Building On Uncertainty

3 Silhouetted performers

By saying “yes, and…” to life’s uncertainties, we can be more prepared to creatively take the next step with Christ’s help. As a college student approaching graduation, I am asked about my postgraduation plans almost every day. I don’t always know how to answer—the next chapter of my life is… Continue reading

The Surprising Lesson We Can Learn from Pickles


Cucumbers become pickles through a deliberate process of transformation. Similarly, each of us must be transformed, or born again, through Jesus Christ. I still remember the day I learned that pickles used to be cucumbers. As a young girl, I couldn’t fathom how one food could turn into another with… Continue reading

How to Value Change Instead of Fearing It

Fall leaves

Change can be a scary thing, but it doesn’t always have to be. Once we understand the need for change in our life, we can learn to appreciate it.  Change can be difficult, but it is inevitable and important. It is only through change in life that we can become… Continue reading

Be Forever Changed

Red and green tree leaves on a sunny day

Knowledge of Christ’s Resurrection can change our perspective and increase our faith. This past year with COVID-19 has brought a tremendous amount of heartache and pain to people all around the world. At a time when deaths are diminished to a number on a webpage, we might find ourselves questioning… Continue reading

Let Your Future Be Bright

Yellow sunflower field

Sometimes the most difficult thing about change is letting go of our past mistakes and allowing ourselves to be better. People change. Although this statement is true, we don’t always act like it is. Sometimes we dwell on our mistakes. Sometimes we hold on to our regrets. Sometimes other people… Continue reading

The Novel We’re All Writing

It’s never too late to make your story a happy ending; sometimes you just need to be willing to add a plot twist. “It’s too late now.” This one sentence—just four words—is the most insidious lie of all. It’s too late now to learn, too late now to change, too… Continue reading

Will Being Holier Really Make Me Happier?

We can increase our personal happiness today by taking the needed steps to become more holy.  “Keeping the commandments makes you happier.” At times, this may feel like a line said by well-meaning parents and leaders simply because they want us to improve our behavior. In fact, we may think… Continue reading

4 Life-Changing Lessons about Love

Cherry blossoms in the shape of a heart

It’s easy to get discouraged about our weaknesses and shortcomings. But God doesn’t beat us down; he lovingly invites us to improve. Our weaknesses sometimes seem  insurmountable. But when we learn to discern God’s love for us, we’ll realize that his grace is sufficient to make weak things strong (see… Continue reading

Finding Your Miracles

We read about many miracles in the scriptures, but do miracles still happen today? In the New Testament we read about the miracles Jesus performed when he healed multitudes of the sick and the maimed. You may also have heard a few modern stories of people whose bodies have healed… Continue reading

Imposter Syndrome and Spiritual Success

It is easy to feel like you aren’t good enough, but recognizing why we feel this way can help us overcome self-doubt and more fully accept success in our lives. You may have heard the term imposter syndrome floating around recently. Scientific American defines the phenomenon as “a pervasive feeling of… Continue reading