Your Endowment: A Lifelong Journey

Man with his arms outstretched

Your covenants give you more power than you think—heaven is behind you.  When you hear the word endowment, what do you typically think of? If you think of going to the temple to ‘get your endowment out,’ you would be in the majority; however, it isn’t something you ‘get out’… Continue reading

Why Do We Need So Many Church Meetings?

Person holding string lights in hands

Heavenly Father wants us to meet together often. Here are some of His reasons why. A few years ago, I was wondering, isn’t it enough to take care of our daily gospel tasks and go to church occasionally? Why do we need to attend so frequently? I kept trying to… Continue reading

How to Become like the Savior While Still Being Yourself

Boxes of fruit in a market

Becoming perfected in Christ (see Moroni 10:32) is a celebration of individuality, not conformity. When reading “Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him” (Moroni 10:32), I sometimes wonder, “As I become more like the Savior, will I become less like myself?”  Julie Crockett answers this question in her BYU… Continue reading

Your Spiritual Superpower

Little boy in superhero mask and cape.

The greatest superpower of all—God’s power in our lives—comes from keeping our covenants and receiving the power to change. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? It might be a hard choice! But there is a superpower you already have. In her address “The Power to Change,”… Continue reading

Embracing Mondays and the Mundane

Family making breakfast together in a kitchen.

Happiness and peace can be found daily through Jesus Christ, no matter the circumstances. Monday. It’s safe to say this is one of the most universally dreaded days of the week. With Mondays come blaring alarms, project due dates, long commutes, and the weight of a stressful week ahead.  If… Continue reading

Choosing Faith in the Face of Uncertainty

Scrabble pieces spelling “faith over fear”

When faced with moments of spiritual silence, how do we maintain our faith and hope? Uncertainty is a universal constant that stems from unknown future variables, such as schooling, careers, spouses, finances, health, or other life plans. As Erin Kramer Holmes says in her BYU devotional, “Waiting Upon the Lord:… Continue reading

Faith in the Future

Woman in an orange vest looking at a cloudy sky.

In learning from past mistakes, make sure you don’t lose sight of brighter days ahead. Faith in Jesus Christ is always grounded in hope for the future. Sometimes we may feel stuck in the past. Although this is a common experience, living in the past can hold us back from… Continue reading

Putting on the Armour of Light

Woman standing at the mouth of a cave.

By filling our lives with things that draw us closer to Jesus Christ, we can put on the armor of light and move forward with faith knowing that we are protected from the attacks of the world and the adversary. Darkness can be paralyzing. I remember touring a cave with… Continue reading

Joy Through His Perspective

Sunlight over Brown Bamboo Trees.

How can we be happy in difficult circumstances? When we align our vision with God’s, we find joy through his perspective. If we see an eight-ounce glass with four ounces of water sitting on a table, our perception of the glass at half capacity tends to vary—it could be half… Continue reading