Of Lambs and Lost Sheep

lamb face

By fulfilling his role as shepherd, Christ shows us how to support our struggling friends and family. What does it mean to be a shepherd? Is a shepherd just someone who herds sheep or goes looking for the ones that wander away? Sister Jayne B. Malan shares how she came to understand the… Continue reading

Louisa Barnes Pratt: Early Sister Missionary in French Polynesia

tropical flowers

Louisa Barnes Pratt served as one of the first sister missionaries of the Church in French Polynesia.  While her husband was serving a mission in the Society Islands in French Polynesia, Louisa Barnes Pratt was called to join him there as a missionary—along with their four daughters. After receiving the… Continue reading

Speaking More Positively by Overcoming Negative Thinking

Group of friends standing outside.

You can build better relationships with those around you when your words flow from optimistic thoughts. “Even in the golden age of civilization someone undoubtedly grumbled that everything looked too yellow,” quoted Elder Jeffrey R. Holland during his April 2017 general conference address, “The Tongue of Angels.” Even in the best of… Continue reading

Understanding Instead of Fixing: Mourning with Those That Mourn

When others are sad, we want to take their sorrow away. But we need to try to understand their feelings rather than try to fix them.  When other people feel sad, our instincts tell us that we need to somehow make them happy again. Our society views sadness as a disease that… Continue reading

Lost and Found

Sheep on a mountain covered with fog

When all hope seems lost, where can we turn? When we feel we are too damaged to return to the fold, how can our Father in Heaven lovingly repair our broken spirits? Most of us are familiar with the parable of the lost sheep. It is typically used as an… Continue reading

Action: A Product of Our Thoughts and Words

snowy mountain view

The way you think about yourself directly impacts your level of success. Choose to think positively, and your own ability might surprise you.  “I am so bad at math—my brain just doesn’t work that way!” “I forget things all the time!” “I’m never going to be able to manage all of… Continue reading

Finding Healing from the Pain of Suicide

Woman staring at the ocean

I learned that being left behind by suicide is difficult and painful—but there is hope. Grief is like the tide: vast, unfathomable, and alternately crashing on the beach or pulling away into the sea. Often without warning, those grieving are fine one moment and broken the next. The morning I… Continue reading

Accepting the Lord’s Timing and Standing Firm

Hand holding a pocket watch

As we accept the Lord’s will and timing with faith, we can drink from the “bitter cup” of soul-stretching trials and not shrink. In the August 2016 Ensign article entitled “Accepting the Lord’s Will and Timing,” Elder David A. Bednar shares the story of John and Heather, a newlywed couple facing John’s frightening prognosis… Continue reading

Can Christ Really Heal ME?

Crowded stairwell.

Jesus Christ has the power to provide healing and relief regardless of the trials we face. Life can be hard for many reasons. Some people suffer from mental illness, addiction, financial burdens, death, or even familial burdens. Everyone struggles and needs help to persevere through life. Sister Carole M. Stephens, then… Continue reading

Stronger with the Savior: Battling Suicidal Thoughts

Even when it feels like life is at its darkest point, we can lean on Jesus Christ to receive the strength we need to overcome our greatest battles.  When facing a seemingly insurmountable trial in our lives, it’s easy to feel hopeless and alone. One mother from Iceland shares her experience battling… Continue reading