Come Follow Me: More Than Just a Manual

The Church’s new program invites us to become more converted in our love of Christ through teaching gospel truths. Christians everywhere recognize the phrase “Come, follow me” as Christ’s invitation to follow his example. In October 2016, Elder Robert D. Hales taught about this invitation to follow the Savior in his… Continue reading

What Is Your Spiritual Superpower?

Discovering and developing our spiritual gifts, or spiritual superpowers, will help us recognize our heroic identities and purposes. We are all superheroes. How? As Doctrine and Covenants 46:11–12 states, “There are many gifts, and to every man [and woman] is given a gift by the Spirit of God …. that… Continue reading

The Good You Accomplished Today

Although some days you look at your to-do list and feel frustrated that you didn’t get as much done as you had hoped, take heart that you made more difference than you realized. The Mormon Message “You Never Know” is a good reminder that the most important things you do… Continue reading

An Antidote for Pride

We all know pride is a problem, but how do we avoid it? President Eyring has a suggestion. Moroni warned that our dispensation would struggle with pride: “Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. . . . I know that ye do… Continue reading

Five Ways to Be a More Christlike Minister

Giving loving service does not have to be complicated. It seems that life gets more complicated the older we get. With so many obligations, time quickly disappears. So how do we fit in important responsibilities like ministering? We all want to serve as the Savior, but how can we? From… Continue reading

4 Steps to Finding Your Role in God’s Work

Chess pieces

Every person has a role in God’s work. As you discover yours, you can find happiness and purpose. The “decade of decisions” we face as young adults will affect the rest of our lives. What should we study? Where should we work? Who should we marry? These big questions are… Continue reading

Lose Yourself to Find Yourself: Service Brings You to Christ

When devastating mudslides destroyed neighbors’ houses, members of the Church left everything behind to help with the cleanup. “Brothers and Sisters, we just found out that the recent rainfall has flooded several houses with mud up Angeles Crest. We ask anyone who is willing and able to go help with… Continue reading

How to Serve the Poor and Needy Even When You Are Poor and Needy

Heavenly Father knows and cares about each person’s needs. If we prayerfully seek guidance, then we’ll know how to fulfill these needs. As Latter-day Saints, we know that God asks us to care for the poor and needy. Though this commandment is important, it can also be overwhelming at times—especially… Continue reading

Learning to Lift Where You Stand

If you’re doing what God has asked you to do, you’re doing enough. I’ve been in college for a while now—years on years of working part-time and studying full-time. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I have the added responsibilities of fulfilling callings in… Continue reading

Outside In: The Secret to True Happiness

Happiness is found by turning outward rather than focusing on ourselves. Everyone searches for happiness, but many people aren’t sure how to achieve it. In the talk “Choose Happiness,” Elder Larry R. Lawrence assures us that the Lord wants us to be happy: “Latter-day prophets have taught us that happiness… Continue reading