More Holiness Give Me—More Savior Like Thee

“All requirements to enter the temple relate to personal holiness.”—President Russell M. Nelson After the October 2019 General Conference ended, I kept thinking of these words: happiness and holiness. While President Russell M. Nelson was giving his closing remarks, he shared the temple recommend questions that were recently edited for… Continue reading

3 Ways to Everyday Happiness

When life doesn’t go down the planned path, don’t worry—there is an easy formula to make every step you take a happy one. School, work, family, friends—all day every day, something needs our attention. In his talk, “A Summer with Great Aunt Rose,” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf gives us a… Continue reading

Will Being Holier Really Make Me Happier?

We can increase our personal happiness today by taking the needed steps to become more holy.  “Keeping the commandments makes you happier.” At times, this may feel like a line said by well-meaning parents and leaders simply because they want us to improve our behavior. In fact, we may think… Continue reading

3 Ways to Combat Major Regret

Regret is relentless as it comes at us from all sides, but there are three goals we can shoot for to minimize major regret.  For all the positive emotions we experience on this earth, we have to feel many negative ones as well to help us grow and appreciate the… Continue reading

Life Got You Down? Lose Yourself in Service

Life gets more stressful year to year. But President Gordon B. Hinckley describes a simple way we can overcome that stress. Sometimes day-to-day life gets really overwhelming. I, for one, seem to have problems left and right: the 8:00 a.m. bus is hot and crowded, the elevator quits working when… Continue reading

3 Ways to Make a Great Life

Friends laughing together

What’s the secret to a happy, fulfilling life? It all comes down to three simple things.   Have you ever wished there was a key to making a good life? We all want to have a happy life with meaning and purpose, but we also have a difficult time figuring… Continue reading

Help and Happiness Ahead

Sun rising over cloudy mountains

Every one of us experiences trials. But when we trust in Christ, we can find hope that things will get better. Trials are a part of the mortal journey. Our trials may be different, but we all face them. Some struggle with illness or death of loved ones; others deal… Continue reading

Created to be Creative

As spirit children of a creative God, we all have the ability to be innovative and artistic in our fields when we depend on the Holy Ghost. In his talk “Gospel Vision of the Arts,” President Spencer W. Kimball wrote, “I have had a vision of members of the Church… Continue reading

Finding Joy: Roses, Forget-Me-Nots, and Golden Tickets

If we focus on the little forget-me-nots that surround us in life, we can find joy in our current circumstances. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught an important principle about perspective in his talk “Forget Me Not” by recounting the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Willy Wonka, a famous… Continue reading

When Feeling Happy Just Isn’t Possible: Reasons to Hold On

Depression affects everyone at one point or another. When those times hit, we need a reason to hold on, a reason to keep going, a reason to stay. Sometimes life isn’t all we hoped it would be. We face disappointment, fear, and devastation. Sometimes we can’t explain why we’re feeling… Continue reading