Maintaining Sacredness, Avoiding Complacency

Why are ordinances considered to be sacred? And how can we avoid being complacent about them?   Today our attention is captured by catchy headlines, enthralling television shows, and clever gifs. We’re preoccupied with pressing deadlines and personal responsibilities. Our busy schedules can make it difficult to find time to pray daily and… Continue reading

Finding Joy in Everyday Beauty

Do we take time every day to discover how beautiful life can be? The seemingly never-ending tasks of life can wear us down, and when we feel that life is monotonous, we should remember Elder Richard G. Scott’s assurance that “simple, rejuvenating experiences surround us.” Elder Scott’s article “Finding Joy… Continue reading

Feminism and the Church: Unraveling Misconceptions

Are the principles of feminism and the doctrines of the Church incongruous, or are they in harmony? The answer isn’t as simple as you might think. Feminism—a word charged with a plethora of connotations, both good and bad. We hear about feminists in the news and feminist political agendas and feminist… Continue reading

Improving Your Family by Improving Yourself

Happy marriages and families don’t happen overnight. They’re built through personal daily acts of compassion, selflessness, and love. Marriage isn’t easy, and families aren’t perfect, no matter how much we wish they were. Although we like to believe that family life will always be blissful, that’s not how life—or marriage—works. Difficulties… Continue reading

Never Forget These Five Things

The five petals of the forget-me-not flower symbolize five things to remember that will help us find joy as we live the gospel and face the trials of life and the challenges that come. Instead of getting caught up in life’s challenges, we can choose to find joy in them… Continue reading

Millennial Advice: Reach Up

While facing the trials of young adulthood and making eternally important decisions, we must look up to Heavenly Father for help, peace, and direction.  The faith of many millennials has been tested as they have seen peers stray from God’s path. Elder Robert D. Hales speaks to young adults in… Continue reading

He Is Mighty to Save

Understanding the Fall is essential to understanding how much the Savior loves us. When we find ourselves facing trials and challenges, it can be tempting to feel alone or forgotten. Sometimes, it seems that no one is watching out for us. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland focuses on this concern in his April 2015 general… Continue reading

Burdens Are Blessings

Do you feel held back or weighed down by your burdens? They might actually be propelling you forward. When I think of the word burden, I imagine a man carrying a giant boulder on his back. He is exhausted and struggles to move forward. I’ve always viewed burdens as things… Continue reading

Of Infinite Worth: Discovering Our Divine Potential


As one person in a world of seven billion, it’s easy to feel small and insignificant. It’s a comfort to know that to God, we are everything. I was one of 26 people in my high school graduating class. In a class that small, you might think that everyone felt valued… Continue reading

Children of the Covenant

angel moroni on the top of a temple

When we make and keep sacred covenants, we know who we are and what our purpose is. We’ve been taught that we are sons and daughters of God. But what does that really mean? In the general conference talk “Covenants,” President Russell M. Nelson teaches that “when we realize that we are… Continue reading