Priesthood Authority to Perform Priesthood Functions

Latter-day Saint men and women are equal in the sight of God. Both have access to priesthood authority to perform priesthood functions. A string orchestra is made up of five sections: first violins, second violins, violas, cellos, and string basses. Sometimes it seems like one section is more important than… Continue reading

A Woman’s Potential: What God Sees

A woman praying.

As the world’s expectations for women change with the seasons, nothing is as empowering as Heavenly Father’s plan for his daughters. The modern world has opened up exciting opportunities for women. But with these opportunities, we often feel increased pressure. When we want to look beautiful, the world says, “Look perfect.” When we want to… Continue reading

Sisters, No Effort Is Lost

Photo of young women in front of the Manila, Philippines Temple courtesy of

While we may not always feel the significance of the little things we do, God keeps a perfect record and none of our efforts are lost. Have you ever gotten stuck thinking about all the people you neglected to help or about the things you failed to get done in… Continue reading

I Was a Stranger: The Call for Relief

Jesus holds a little boy in his lap.

“Reaching out to others with love matters to the Lord.” This is why Latter-day Saint women announced a new refugee relief effort called “I Was a Stranger.”  “Have I done any good in the world today?” Thus began the General Women’s Session of the April 2016 general conference of The… Continue reading

How Zina D. H. Young Influenced America

During the nineteenth century, Zina D. H. Young represented Mormon women in local and national medical, political, and religious circles. When we give all that the Lord asks of us, the bounds of our influence for good can be limitless. The life and service of Zina Diantha Huntington Young (1821–1901)… Continue reading

Emmeline B. Wells: Women’s Rights Pioneer

From her involvement in the suffrage movement to her triumph over personal tragedies, Emmeline B. Wells stands as a role model for young women. Women’s rights activist, suffrage leader, general president of the Relief Society, wife, mother—these are just a few of the titles that Emmeline B. Wells (1828–1921) acquired… Continue reading

Sarah Granger Kimball: Teacher, Activist, Dedicated Leader

a circle of objects

This exceptional woman dedicated her life to serving and fighting for the women of the Church. Who was Sarah Granger Kimball? [Sarah Granger Kimball (1818–98) was a remarkable example of leadership and lifelong service. Throughout her life, she gracefully combined the three things she was most passionate about: education, women’s… Continue reading

Louise Yates Robison: An Ordinary Extraordinary Woman

portrait of woman

Louise Yates Robinson’s life of service shows us that all women can be extraordinary, no matter how ordinary they are. You have probably never heard of Louise Yates Robison (1866–1946), and that would most likely please her. In the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Janath R. Cannon tells us that Louise was… Continue reading

The Divine Role of Women in the Church

Women are daughters of God with an integral role in Christ’s restored Church. All people born into this world are children of God and, as such, have great worth. The words “I am a child of God,” found in a beloved Latter-day Saint children’s song, are true for all men,… Continue reading

Extraordinary Beginnings: The Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book

Discover how the Relief Society was founded, how the organization’s name was decided, and how the early Church’s women became sisters. Within the large collection of documents called the Joseph Smith Papers, there is a precious treasure that is particularly significant to women of the Church: the Nauvoo Relief Society… Continue reading