Finding Hope for Future Blessings

light at the end of the tunnel

Our Heavenly Parents are forever aware of our trials, and we are never left to face them alone. We receive unwavering help in getting through the darkest moments of our lives when we have hope and faith in them. When Yih Chwin Koay’s daughter, Alexis, was born prematurely at 26… Continue reading

Feeling Trapped? Sacrifice the Things that Bind Us

How often do we find ourselves feeling trapped—physically, mentally, and spiritually? Making sacrifices in our lives provides us a way to break free and draw closer to the Lord. Agency is a powerful tool we can use to break free from circumstances that hold us captive; our choices make all… Continue reading

Even Our Sins

Sunburst through a cloudy sky

The gifts of Christ’s Atonement extend to cover all of life’s sorrows. It’s easy to talk about the ways that Christ’s Atonement can help us through trials beyond our control. After all, at some point everyone will face challenges that they didn’t ask for. But sometimes, the source of our… Continue reading

Is He Really My Savior?

Time lapse photography of person standing near train

I’ve grown up believing that Christ is my Redeemer, but sometimes it’s hard to believe that he can actually save me. In psychology, a flashbulb memory refers to a vivid memory of a past moment, usually a shocking or emotionally charged event. I have a flashbulb memory from when I… Continue reading

“Jesus Wept”

Person on the end of a pier

Life can be unfair, painful, and uncertain. When we or our loved ones find ourselves in those times of grief or frustration, we can rely on the Savior and his perfect example of empathy. In his BYU devotional, “Hard Sayings and Safe Spaces: Making Room for Struggle as Well as… Continue reading

It Starts with Empathy

A busy intersection with people walking

“You are surrounded by people. You pass them on the street, visit them in their homes, and travel among them. They are all children of God.” (Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service, 2018). In Elder Jorge T. Becerra’s April 2021 general conference talk, “Poor Little Ones,” he shares… Continue reading

Come, Follow Me: Make Your Life A Parable

Shepherd tending his flock on a misty afternoon

Christ’s parables exemplify everyday people who experience common challenges and changes in their lives. Upon reflection, we may find that our own lives can become a parable. Throughout both the Old and New Testaments, parables illustrate how gospel principles can apply to the lives of ordinary people. For example, the… Continue reading

Choosing to Be on the Lord’s Side

We can choose to be on the Lord’s side by following our Church leaders, which will ready us for the important lesson of being tested, sifted, and prepared. In 1834, Joseph Smith received a revelation to create Zion’s Camp, an army of volunteers dedicated to protecting early members of The… Continue reading

Small and Simple Actions

Baseball on the grass

We can strengthen our relationships with God, ourselves, and others through the “small things.” It’s easy to get caught up in big-picture goals and planning for the future, but this thinking can distract us from the moments of daily living that end up amounting to more than we may realize—the… Continue reading