Where Are the Miracles?

Man holds a journal while looking into the distance

The scriptures are bursting with miraculous experiences—manna from heaven, people raised from the dead, and enemies conquered. Reading about these miracles can cause each of us to wonder, “Where are the miracles in my life?” A few years ago, I was given an assignment to create or do something that… Continue reading

Career or Motherhood: You Can Do Both

Woman being embraced by her children while sitting in front of her laptop.

Women frequently think they have to choose either a career or motherhood, but they can enjoy both with support from those around them. The world often insists that women need to raise their children from home, but the world also claims that women fall short of their full potential if… Continue reading

The Transformative Power of Incremental Change

Person cycling on a grassy mountain road

We all face challenges that can seem overwhelming. But we can find strength to overcome our trials when we make incremental changes in our daily lives. Some problems in our lives can feel impossible to overcome. Perhaps a goal seems too challenging to accomplish or a trial too difficult to… Continue reading

Choosing to Trust God Unconditionally

Ocean waves and a zipline over a beach.

When we learn to trust God completely, we can move forward with faith, knowing that he will support and guide us through life’s most challenging moments.  The higher I climbed, the more I questioned my sanity. It was the end of summer break, and I had decided to go zip-lining… Continue reading

You Are Deserving

Woman sitting on a dock.

Though sometimes it may feel impossible to continue on, we can never be so broken that the Lord can’t make us whole again. In times of trial and affliction, it can feel as if there is no end in sight. For those who suffer from mental illness, the struggles can… Continue reading

Stormy Days and Mountain Waves: Finding Strength

Ocean waves at sunset.

We were created to withstand and overcome even our most challenging trials. Have you ever asked the question, “How could God let this happen?”  I have. I was 17 and struggling with severe depression, and I couldn’t understand why God didn’t just take it away and help me feel normal… Continue reading

Steady in Faith

Stormy sea rushing up to a coastline.

Now is the time to build a firm foundation of faith. When strong storms occur, we can stand steady on our rock of faith in Jesus Christ. Because God intends for us to grow and progress in our earthly journey, we will inevitably face trials throughout our lives. Furthermore, we… Continue reading

We Are More Than Survivors

White flowers on a green stem.

When bad things happen to us, such as abuse, bullying, or trauma, we must remember what Christ said: “I know your sorrows, and I have come to deliver you” (Exodus 3:8–9). Survival stories come in many different forms. Some may think of natural disasters, wilderness survival, or plane crashes, while… Continue reading

Embracing Mondays and the Mundane

Family making breakfast together in a kitchen.

Happiness and peace can be found daily through Jesus Christ, no matter the circumstances. Monday. It’s safe to say this is one of the most universally dreaded days of the week. With Mondays come blaring alarms, project due dates, long commutes, and the weight of a stressful week ahead.  If… Continue reading

Rolling with the Punches

Lighthouse at sunset.

Learn not only to adapt to unexpected situations in life but also to find joy in them too. We’ve all had those days—something breaks, the dog makes a mess inside, we’re late for work, the traffic is endless. Everything that can go wrong, does. Sometimes these days stretch into months,… Continue reading