Stumbling Toward Heavenly Father

Struggling with mental illness does not mean you have a broken spirit. But how do we avoid feeling that way? We are all aware that life is not easy. Everyone experiences hard times and difficult trials. But for some of us, mental illness can make those dark times all the… Continue reading

An Unexpected Visitor

Sun shining behind blades of wheat.

During a difficult time for my family, an unexpected visitor brought us hope when we needed it most. Who is my light at the end of the tunnel? I could give you the standard answers—my mother, my father, my boyfriend, my bishop. You probably wouldn’t expect it to be the… Continue reading

4 Life-Changing Lessons about Love

Cherry blossoms in the shape of a heart

It’s easy to get discouraged about our weaknesses and shortcomings. But God doesn’t beat us down; he lovingly invites us to improve. Our weaknesses sometimes seem  insurmountable. But when we learn to discern God’s love for us, we’ll realize that his grace is sufficient to make weak things strong (see… Continue reading

Common Marriage Misconceptions: 4 Practices to Avoid

People at a wedding holding hands

Much of the marriage advice offered today is paradoxical and negatively affects individuals and society as a whole. Today’s society spreads the idea that the family is no longer a fundamental social unit and that we should disconnect marriage from religion and sexuality. Unfortunately, these ideas have propagated a culture… Continue reading

A Leg Up in Life

Injured knee

My painful leg injury left me frustrated, but I came to recognize God’s hand in lifting my burden. It started out as a normal day of work. As I was finishing cleaning up after a catering event, one moment I was pushing an ultraheavy, dish-laden cart, and the next, it… Continue reading

How to Gain Power Through Patience

Jesus Christ practiced the power of patience throughout his life. As his disciples, we can follow his example and be patient. Patience is the ability to endure well through the trials of life without constantly feeling angry or negative. While being patient may seem impossible at times, we can learn… Continue reading

Sacrificing Seconds to Seek Service

Sacrificing time for service will help you love those you serve. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are asked to perform many acts of service, especially through our callings. Sister Cristina B. Franco notes in her talk “The Joy of Unselfish Service” that in… Continue reading

Accepting Others Regardless of Beliefs

People with different religious views often focus on their differences and push each other far apart. What would happen if we focused on how we are alike? In a speech given at BYU, Barbara Culatta gave seven tips to help us accept those who believe differently than we do. She… Continue reading

Teach Me All That I Must Know…or Do?

While knowledge is important, it is not enough; we must act on what we know in order to return to live with our Father in Heaven. Do you know the story of the children’s hymn “I am a Child of God”? Sister Naomi Randall wrote the hymn in 1957. The… Continue reading

When Feeling Happy Just Isn’t Possible: Reasons to Hold On

Depression affects everyone at one point or another. When those times hit, we need a reason to hold on, a reason to keep going, a reason to stay. Sometimes life isn’t all we hoped it would be. We face disappointment, fear, and devastation. Sometimes we can’t explain why we’re feeling… Continue reading